Dinesh Abeywickrama : Author, Ph.D. Researcher and ICT strategist

Dinesh Abeywickrama

Dinesh (Dinesh Chandima Abeywickrama) is a  Sri Lankan ICT strategist, Academics, Researcher, Author and Professional member(MBCS) of British Computer Society (BCS). He is a degree holder of BCS and hold Master of Business Administration (MBA) Cardiff Metropolitan University, formerly the University of Wales Institute, Cardiff (UWIC), is a university situated in Cardiff, Wales. He is doing his Ph.D. in Business Management from Management and Science University, Malaysia.

Former:  Administrator Ananmanan web, Miyurusara online radio
Assistant Manager (web) at Neth FM
Current working at : Executive Officer at the Capital Maharaja Organization Ltd.
Father: Sunil Abeywickrama
Mother: Mala Abeywickrama, She was a grade one officer at Sri Lanka Insurance.
School: Bandarawatta Parakrama Maha Vidyalaya Gampaha &
Bandaranayaka College Gampaha

Research Expertise


YouTube SEO By Dinesh Abeywickrama
Professor Chandra Wickramasinghe and Sir Fred Hoyle

Ceylon Today, Sri Lankan National News Paper

Are secure with VPN?

Are you secure with VPN? by Dinesh Abeywickrama And Inoshi Rathnasekera

Over the last few months we have been subjected to several social media bans by the government. In this technological era, when social media connects us all, we look for ways to work around this and the obvious solutions used by many is a VPN. 

Morris Worm turns 30

The ‘Morris Worm’ turns 30, Dinesh Abeywickrama and Inoshi Ratnasekera explore the History of Computer Worms.
The ‘Morris Worm’ turns 30, Dinesh Abeywickrama and Inoshi Ratnasekera explore the History of Computer Worms.

On 02nd of November 1988, world’s first major malware attack on the internet called ‘Morris Worm’ was unleashed. Even though this was not the first worm, it was considered the first major attack, which was a wakeup call to internet security engineers to consider the risk of software bugs and start research and development of network security

Digital Intelligence Magazine, United Kingdom

Digital Intelligence Magazine, Un
ited Kingdom

Cloud Analysis

Dinesh Abeywickrama Ph.D(reading), MBCS, MBA, BCS provides an overview of cloud computing and explains the categories of service one finds ‘on the cloud’.

ITNow Magazine (UK) / University of Oxford

The Self-Drive Dilemma

The Self-Drive Dilemma by Dinesh Abeywickrama (2017)

Dinesh Abeywickrama Ph.D (reading), MBCS, MBA, BCS explores the embryonic issue of self-driving cars and looks at some of the security implications associated with this disruptive technology.

Before It’s too late

Those who know they are inventing the future often have minimal, if any, concern for understanding what has gone before. Therefore, what can be done, and what is being done, to improve IoT privacy and security can be worlds apart. With that in mind Dinesh Abeywickrama MBCS, BCS discusses some legitimate security concerns and looks at where to start in addressing such issues.

British Computer Society, The Charted Institute for IT, United Kingdom

British Computer Society Logo

International Conference on Multidisciplinary Approaches – University of Sri Jayawardenepura

Card-less Banking & IS Acceptance

Wijewardene, U. P.; Abeywickrama, D. (2016). “Technology Acceptance of Card-less Cash Withdrawal System; Sri Lankan Experience”. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Multidisciplinary Approaches. It was
awarded at the International Multidisciplinary Research Conference 2016.

International Conference on Advanced Marketing (ICAM 2017) – University of Kelaniya

End-user Acceptance of Online Learning

Wijewardene, U. P.; Abeywickrama, D. (2016). “End-user Acceptance of Online Learning: an Integration of Acceptance Models with User Centered Design (UCD) Implications”. International conference on Advanced Marketing.



Leadership Dinesh Abeywickrama

නායකත්වය යනු තමා වටා සිටින්නන්ගේ
පෞද්ගලික අරමුණු ඉටු කර ගැනීමට
උදව් කරමින් පොදු අරමුණක් වෙනුවෙන් ඔවුන් යොමු කිරීමයි…
සැමවිට ම අවංක මිනිසුන්ට උදව් කරන්න
ආත්මාර්ථකාමී මවාපාන්නන්ට උදව් නොකරන්න…
මන්ද යත් හොඳ අවංක මිනිසෙකු සාර්ථක වුවහොත්
ඔහු තවත් අවංක මිනිසුන් කිහිප දෙනෙකු හෝ බිහි කරන අතර
ආත්මාර්ථකාමී වංචනිකයන් අවංකයන්ගේ ගමන වළකා
ඔවුන් පගා දමන හෙයිනි….

Leadership is helping individuals’ around you to achieve their goals…
Always help the right person to achieve in life…
Never help the wrong person…
Because when the right person go up,
They will make at least another one or many good people…
If the wrong person achieve in life, 
they will make others under him to suffer 
and will not allow them to grow…

©Dinesh Abeywickrama

Love and Hate

Love and Hate Dinesh Abeywickrama

ආදරය සහ වෛරය අතර සේ ම
දේශප්‍රේමීත්වය සහ ප්‍රචණ්ඩත්වය අතර
ඇත්තේ ද කෙස් ගසක වෙනසකි…

මේ වෙනස,
ඔබ වටහා නොගන්නා තුරු
ඕනෑ ම දේශප්‍රේමී ක්‍රියාවක් ප්‍රචණ්ඩ ක්‍රියාවක් ලෙස ද
ඕනෑ ම ප්‍රචණ්ඩ ක්‍රියාවක් දේශප්‍රේමී ක්‍රියාවක් ලෙස ද
අර්ථදැක්විය හැකිය…

The sources of both emotions Love and Hate;
Patriotism and Violence are in the
same part of the brain.
It is quite possible to misinterpret
any Violation as Patriotism or Vice Versa
(Any Patriotic act as Violence)

©Dinesh Abeywickrama

Simplicity is Happiness

Simplicity is Happiness by Dinesh Abeywickrama
Simplicity is Happiness by Dinesh Abeywickrama

Digital minds are having only two signals “0” or “1” , Therefore, the result is either True or False.

The Human mind on the other hand, contains a number of signals other than “0” and “1”, so we are complex and confused.

A complex mind creates negative vibes, unhappiness and conflicts.

©Dinesh Abeywickrama

Brain and Heart (මොළය සහ හදවත)

යහපත් මිනිසකු බිහිවීමට පුද්ගලයකු හට
මොළය සහ හදවත දෙකහිම සංයෝජනය අත්‍යාවශ්‍යය…
අධ්‍යාපනය මගින් මොළය පෝෂණය කරනු ලබන අතර
ආගම දහමින් හදවත පෝෂණය කරණු ලබයි…
මොළය පමණක් පෝෂණයෙන් කුරිරු කපටියකු බිහිවන අතර,
හදවත පමණක් පෝෂණයෙන් සංවේදී මෝඩයකු බිහිවේ…
මොළය සහ හදවත දෙකම නැති තැන හිස් බොරුකාරයකුගේ
රංගනයක් බිහිවේ…

©Dinesh Abeywickrama

Your Philosophy

ලොව ධනවත්ම පුද්ගලයා හෝ ලොව බලවත්ම පුද්ගලයා
කිසිදින මිනිසුන්ගේ වැඳුම් පිදුම් වලට ලක් නොවන අතර
මිනිසුන් අතර ගැවසෙමින් මිනිසුන් වෙනුවෙන් ජීවත් වූ
බුදු හිමියන්, ජේසුතුමන්, නබිතුමන් වැනි උතුමන්
වසර දහස් ගණනක් ගතවීද අදටත් මිනිසුන්ගේ ගවුරුබුහුමන් ලබයි.
විශ්වයට වැදගත් වන්නේ, ඔබ කන කෑම, අඳින පළඳින ඇදුම හෝ 
ඔබේ යාන වාහනය නොව…
ඔබගේ දර්ශනයයි…

©Dinesh Abeywickrama

සරළකම සහ අවබෝධය

සරළකම යනු හුදු හිස්බවක් නොව
අවබෝධය නිසා ඇතිවන අධ්‍යාත්මික වෙනස්වීමකි…
අවබෝධය පුළුල්වත්ම පුද්ගලයා
තමන් ඇලී සිටිනා බොරු මුලාවන් වටහා ගනී…
සරළත්වය තුල ඔහුට නඩත්තු කිරීමට බොරු පෞර්ෂයක් නැත
බොරු රංගනයන් මවා පෑම් නැත,
ඇත්තේ හිතට එකඟව ජීවත් වීමක් පමණි…
ගැඹුරු මුහුද හැම විටම නිසලය…
ඝෝෂාකාරී වෙරළත මෙන් කුණු රඳන්නේ නැත…
එහෙත් අවැසි මොහොතක ත්සුනාමියක් නිර්මාණය කරන්නේ ද 
ඒ ගැඹුරු මුහුදමය…

Simplicity isn’t empty,
Instead a transformation due to wisdom.
When it dexpands 
fakeness disappears. 
Simplicity is simply profitable. Neither drama nor colors. but it contains honesty and liberty, like the solitude deep ocean with no dirt no noise.
Nevertheless, when it requires, the same deep silent ocean 
decides tsunami and arrogance NO CHOICE.

©Dinesh Abeywickrama

To hear Me

Silence is the most powerful voice

If you don’t hear me, that is not my fault…

This is because you are not listening to me.

However, silence is the most powerful voice.

You may not hear it from ears, but from your well-tuned heart…

©Dinesh Abeywickrama

Nibbana (නිවන)

නිවන… අනන්තයම ශුන්‍යක් බව පසක් කළ සිතක සොඳුරු හුදකලාව… 


Life is like a spider web

Life is like a Spider web by Dinesh Abeywickrama
Life is like a Spider web by Dinesh Abeywickrama

Life is like a spider web. Everyone is connected to someone somewhere in some way. When it’s time, we meet each other for some reason according to universal law.

©Dinesh Abeywickrama

Radio Programs

Dinesh has attend many Tv/Radio programmes to share his expertise knowledge as a resource person.

Click here to Listen Internet Fraud Neth FM radio program

Mobile Applications

He has developed number of leading mobile apps. Dinesh is the one who introduced /Founded first online Stereo Radio Channel in Sri Lanka, with his friend Indrasiri Suraweera. Not only that he created Sri Lankan’s first Citizen journalism app News1st U-report.

Laksara online radio application

Laksara Sri Lanka Radio Mobile App is a FREE, Sinhala Android App which enables anyone anywhere connect to Laksara Live stream, Sri Lanka’s Number One Sinhala Radio Channel with highest Stereo quality.

News1st U-report application

Ureport is a special initiative from News1st, That allows you to share news content from Sri Lanka and abroad on the nation’s leading video news reporting website.

Social Media